建議聘請海外畢業醫生 Relaxing registration for doctors

HKDU⠀ Published at 2011-11-24





1.    香港西醫工會認為公立醫院的醫生流失以致人手短缺是因為他們的不良工作環境所造成。本會呼籲醫管局的管理層重新審視他們的良知和改善公立醫院醫生的工作環境,特別是有關他們的工作量,晉升機會及培訓問題。

2.    香港西醫工會譴責所述建議威脅考慮把醫務委員會審批醫生執業的權力收歸衞生署,及破壞備受“基本法”保障的專業自主權。我們建議醫管局可聘請本地醫生作兼職工作,及呼籲政府推行全民醫療卷計劃,資助市民選取私家專業醫療服務,從而減輕公共醫療沈重負擔,使其能專注於緊急及特殊的工作上。

3.    透過增加香港醫務委員會執照考試的次數,由每年一次增加至兩次或三次,便能吸納足夠的海外畢業醫生註冊提供服務。

4.    施政報告中宣佈大幅增加醫科學生名額由320到420,絕對不能紓緩醫管局目前所面臨的危機。培訓醫生需時多年,他們於十數年後成為專科醫生後,醫管局未必有足夠的職位容納他們。如重滔2000年時的情況,被要求離職,嚴重沖擊私營市場。

5.    香港西醫工會鄭重提醒醫管局不要偏離醫療培訓、緊急護理、提供昂貴或複雜的治療與及照顧有需要的四個重點支柱。若能嚴格遵守上述使命,醫管局的人手必定足夠。

 無線電話:     9013 6478


Press Release

Hong Kong Doctors Union (HKDU) is the unique trade union with doctor members in both public and private services. Registered with the Trade Union Registry to look after the interests and rights of doctors in their employer employee relationship, HKDU is committed to upgrade the standard of medical doctors to cater for the health of the Hong Kong community.

HKDU collected members’ opinion concerning the suggestions of Mr. Anthony Wu Ting Yuk, Chairman of the Hospital Authority (HA). The majority of responders objected to Mr. Wu’s proposal to exempt overseas doctors from examination and the majority disagreed with the proposal to drastically increase medical students’ intake.

And we have the following comments:

1.    HKDU regards the exodus of and consequent shortage of public doctors is due to the unfavourable conditions they work in.  We call on the higher echelon of HA to examine their conscience and review and improve the working environment surrounding public doctors especially concerning workload, promotion and training of the public doctors;

2.    HKDU denounce the threat to ask the Department of Health to take away the power of the Medical Council to grant registration and completely destroy our professional autonomy guaranteed by the Basic Law. Our proposal to employ local private doctors to work part time for HA together with a new call on the government to extend the scheme of Health Vouchers to all citizens so that they can afford to see private medical practitioners serve to relieve the burden of public doctors and they can concentrate on their emergency and essential and ultra specialized work destined for HA.

3.    Adequate registered overseas graduates can be obtained through increasing the frequency of Licentiate examinations of the Medical Council of Hong Kong from once to twice or thrice a year.

4.    The drastic increase of medical students’ intake from 320 to 420 announced by the policy address fails to relieve the crisis facing HA presently. Doctors training take many years and when they become specialists in ten or so years’ time there may not have ample room for them in HA and they will be asked to leave HA as happened in 2000, flooding the private market.

5.    HKDU seriously reminds the HA not to digress from her four pillars of healthcare emphasis of training, emergency care and ultra expensive or sophisticated treatment and care of the needy. By being strictly adhering to their mission above the manpower of HA can be made adequate.  

    For further information, please contact :  

    Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat Henry, President of Hong Kong Doctors Union at 9013 6478