Press Release


COVID-19 Open Letter to HKSAR Government

Hong Kong is at present facing the utmost critical, challenging and difficult times in its history. Time is running out fast and our healthcare system is at the edge of collapse. We are not experts in COVID-19, but a group of doctors with our hearts stationed in Hong Kong. We hope to contribute to our Government and policy makers in combating the pandemic.   Firstly, we thank and appreciate all the efforts from leaders as well as allied workers in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.   There are two vital moves that we strongly feel should commence without further delay: (1) Immediate launch and execution of COVID-19 vaccination in the senior citizen group, in particular the jabs at all institutions. (2) Currently, face to face lessons in schools are on a hiatus. We instead should use this period of time to return groups of students to school at a designated date and time to receive their jabs without further delay.   These moves will significantly increase the low vaccination rates in these two age groups. By doing so, we hope to further increase the protection coverage so that our community can soon walk out and return to a greater sense of normalcy in life.   HKDU will consider anything possible to help in the fighting of this pandemic. Examples include setting up of outreach medical team from primary care doctors to give jabs at designated places, distribution and collection of COVID-19 test kits at designated district health centres, modification of third dose post vaccination observation time to avoid congestion.   We love Hong Kong and we are ready to help.   Yours faithfully   Hong Kong Doctors Union


香港西醫工會呼籲 領展高層立即採取行動 助屋邨醫生診所租戶解困 | Urge Link Management for Prompt Measures To Help Link Estate Clinic Doctors

新聞稿  香港西醫工會呼籲 領展高層立即採取行動 助屋邨醫生診所租戶解困   二零二一年四月二十六日 致新聞界朋友們:   「香港西醫工會」前身是「新邨西醫協會」,用以協調房屋處轄下公共屋邨醫生診所的安排。為了進一步投入社區服務及照應全港醫生, 於2002 年演變為「香港西醫工會」。屋邨醫生是每一個邨的開荒牛,照顧邨內居民的身心靈健康。我們不是生意人,只是一羣有德有心的醫生,收取相宜的診費來救急扶貧疾,有些醫生甚至贈醫施藥。   因百年一遇的疫症,香港現正面臨極嚴峻的挑戰 —— 經濟懸崖式下滑和失業率高企在7個百分點,為最近17年前所未有。   當屋邨醫生會員知會西工會有關領展最近加租的行徑,我們甚為震怒,舉例如下:   1)東涌富東邨醫生 (其生意懸崖式下滑,最高峰月入跌多過8成,而平均月入跌至5成。原因是富東邨商場鄰近東涌港鐡站,在2019 下半年社會和機埸暴動期間,常被要求關閉,再加上2020 世紀疫症的影響,大家有目共睹。最近港龍解散,而國泰和其他空運行業亦減人手和工資,對醫生來說尤如雪上加霜,因富東邨居民大多從事有關機場和空運行業,但領展竟要求加28.57% 之月租!)   2)上水屋邨醫生(其租約在5月期滿,不肯減租,只推説可能凍租,並不鼓勵醫生租客和上司商討。該醫生指出,因沒有大陸來客 ,上水市集變得冷清,有很多空置店舖,整體租金都下滑了。惟他現在付的租金高達每方呎$60,而附近上水廣場和上水滙的辦公室租金為每方呎$25 至$28。)   以上例子只是冰山一角,屋邨醫生會員現面對前所未有的巨大挑戰, 比2003 年 SARS 更甚 。租金一向是醫生診所最大的支出項目,而屋邨醫生對一向高企的服務費 (如管理費和冷氣費)無從過問,只能屈從。屋邨居民均來自中下層,在世紀疫症的影響下,很多都沒有工作或只能半工作了。   在此, 香港西醫工會鄭重要求領展高層能承擔企業社會責任 ,助屋邨醫生和居民共渡難關。   如有關資料查詢,敬請聯絡香港西醫工會電話2388 2728。   香港西醫工會會長 梁漢輝醫生 香港西醫工會領展屋邨診所委員會主席 林偉樑醫生 Press Release Urge Link Management for Prompt Measures To Help Link Estate Clinic Doctors   26th April 2021 Dear Correspondents,   Hong Kong Doctors Union (HKDU) is formerly known as Estate Doctors Association which dealt with allocation of medical clinics of public housing estates owned by Housing Department of Hong Kong. We changed our name to HKDU in 2002 as we wished to look after the affairs of the people and doctors of Hong Kong. Estate clinic doctors are the pioneers of their estates and look after the well beings (bio-psycho-social) of their estate residents. We are not businessmen, just hardworking doctors who endeavour to maintain a good standard of medical practice and charge residents at an affordable price. We are most shocked to learn from our Link Estate Clinic Members about their recent rental situation, given the current cliff like drop economy and record high unemployment rate (7.2 %) of Hong Kong. For instance: a) case of One Fu Tung Estate doctor (business dropped sharply since riot mob in the second half of 2019 as the Estate is close to HKIA & Tung Chung MTR station and severe COVID pandemic in 2020. With closure of DragonAir and the staff cuts (numbers and wages) of Cathay Pacific Airways and other related aviation/airport industries, most residents of Fu Tung Estate have now become redundant. The business drop is literally speaking, like falling frost on the land of ice and snow. Still Link asks for a 28.57% rental rise! b) Case of One Sheung Shui doctor (lease would be expired in 5/2021. Junior staffs refuse reduction and say that it maybe freeze and that there is no need to go to senior level). This doctor also points out that there are now many empty shops in the town of Sheung Shui because there are no mainlanders. All rentals are on the fall not only for clinics but all other trades. He is already paying a high rental at $60 psf whilst office rental in the nearby Landmark North/Sheung Shui Spot ranges from $25 to $28 psf only.   The above two cases are just tip of iceberg. Our members are facing a tough challenge they have never had before, even worse than 2003 SARS period. Rental is the largest expense item of a medical clinic. Estate doctors have no say over the ever rising service fees (management fees and air conditioning charges). Estate residents come from low income class. A lot of them have now become semi-employed or unemployed due to the Covid pandemic.   Now we urge Link Management to take up corporate social responsibility to help Estate doctors and residents weather the storm.   For enquiries, please contact HKDU at 2388 2728.   Dr LEUNG Hon Fai (President, HKDU) Dr LAM Wai Leung Anthony (Chairman, Link Estate clinic Committee, HKDU)


2019新冠狀病毒病疫情第三波爆發的新聞稿 家居治療和餐飲安排 | Press statement in the midst of COVID-19 Third Wave in Hong Kong Home treatment and dining arrangement

新聞稿 2019新冠狀病毒病疫情第三波爆發的新聞稿 家居治療和餐飲安排   二零二零年七月三十一日 致新聞界朋友們: 香港西醫工會是唯一一個向職工局註冊處註冊並為公營及私營醫生提供服務的工會,以維護醫生在僱主僱員關係中的權益,香港西醫工會秉承為醫生提供不同的延續醫學進修活動,以維持和確保醫生提供最高水平的醫療服務及提升香港市民的健康。 隨著全球2019新冠狀病毒疫情爆發大流行,香港也不例外。我們感激我們的醫學專家所做的一切 ,但對於政府官員的措施及干預的努力就不敢苟同。 政府最近實施在限制餐廳、食店堂食等的措施,便是另一種以隨意方式處理事務的例子,就像放寬跨境人流限制和豁免某類別人士進入香港境內而無需隔離的那樣。 我們很遺憾地從新聞報導中得知,辛勤工作的建築工地工人,清潔工人等不得不以一種混亂的方式在狹窄的地方吃飯,這引來全世界的批評及嘲笑。另一方面,這種飲食行為實在會增加市民在炎熱天氣下中暑等健康問題,並且還會增加新冠狀病毒交叉感染的機會,而無法追踪接觸者,從而使香港的狀況每況愈下。若港府考慮開放其公共場所供工人用餐,那麼一旦爆發疫情,這將會再成為全世界的笑柄。 我們建議採用一種更好的管制方法,限制所有餐廳食肆為一人一桌,每枱餐桌需隔1.5米,禁止用膳時說話,將進餐時間限制在30分鐘以內。借助目前在餐廳食肆中實行的預防和消毒措施,這肯定會達到減少交叉感染的機會。 我們的私人執業醫生一直在與政府合作,要求有症狀的病人接受新型冠狀病毒深喉唾液核酸測試。然而,最近等候檢測結果時間越來越長,一般超過10天。此外,新型冠狀病毒確診病人等候入院的時間甚至更長,需等候接近一周。我們認為這種延誤是完全無法接受的,這正正是把確診病人推向死亡。到目前為止從治療新型冠狀病毒病人的資料中,我們察覺到早期接受治療的病人完全康復的機會較高。因此在診斷新型冠狀病毒病人的第一周內,我們必須好好把握治療病人的機會。鑑於目前延誤入院的現狀以及在家居條件允許的情況下,香港西醫工會支持“對新型冠狀病毒檢測呈陽性的病人進行家居隔離,及家居治療”的建議,作為入院前的臨時醫療措施,以減低病人的痛苦並減少新型冠狀病毒在家居傳播。我們得到公共醫生,社區護士,社區藥劑師,病人組織以及其他相關醫務人員的全力支持,以挽救新型冠狀病毒病人。  有關查詢,請致電9013 6478 聯絡香港西醫工會會長楊超發醫生。   Press Release Press statement in the midst of COVID-19  Third Wave in Hong Kong Home treatment and dining arrangement 31 July 2020 Dear Reporters,   Hong Kong Doctors Union (HKDU) is a unique trade union with doctor members in both public and private services. Registered with the Trade Union Registry to look after the interests and rights of doctors in their employer employee relationship, HKDU is committed to provide Continuing Medical Education for doctors to maintain and ensure the highest standard of the healthcare doctors to cater for the health of the Hong Kong community. With the explosion of COVID-19 pandemic around the world, Hong Kong is no exception to share the horrific consequences. We appreciate the efforts offered by our medical experts so far but not quite those by our Government officials. The lately imposed measure of restriction of dining inside restaurants by the Government is another example of handling matter in a haphazard manner just like that of loosening border restrictions and exempting certain groups of people entering Hong Kong from quarantine. From news reporting, we are sorry to learn that the hard-working construction site workers, cleaners, etc have to find their ways to consume their meals in such a chaotic manner that invites criticism from all directions. On the other hand, such eating behaviour would increase health hazards like heat stroke in this hot summer weather and also the chance of cross-infection of COVID-19 with untraceable contacts resulting in a more dangerous situation in Hong Kong. If the Government considers opening their public places for workers to take meals, it would turn out to be a laughing stock if there is an outbreak. We would suggest a better method of restricting restaurant service to: ONE PERSON ONE TABLE WITH TABLES 1.5 METRE APART, prohibition of talking during meals, limited meal time to less than 30 mins. With the presently practiced preventive and disinfection measures at restaurants, these will surely serve the purpose of further minimizing cross-infection. We, doctors in private practice, have been cooperating with the Government by asking patients with symptoms to undergo the COVID-19 PRC tests. However, the time for test results to return is getting longer and longer to more than 10 days recently. Furthermore, the waiting time for confirmed COVID patients is also getting longer to nearly one week. We find such delay IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE AND IS PUSHING COVID SUFFERERS TO DEMISE. From the evidence on treating COVID patients so far, we have found that early treatment would lead to a better chance for the patients to recover completely. We have to grasp the golden opportunity of treating COVID patients within the first week of diagnosis. As such, in view of the present situation of delay in hospitalization and if household condition allows, HONG KONG DOCTORS UNION supports the idea of HOME ISOLATION, HOME TREATMENT for COVID TEST positive patients as an interim medical measure before hospital admission to decrease the patient’s sufferings and to minimize the spread of COVID within the household. We shall work with public doctors, community nurses, community pharmacists, patients’ organizations, and other allied health personnel in this endeavour to save COVID patients.   For enquiries, please contact Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat, President, HKDU at 90136478.  


香港西醫工會呼籲地產商立即採取措施,幫助私人診所的租戶 | Call Upon Estate Tycoons for Immediate Measures To Help Private Clinic Tenants

香港西醫工會呼籲 地產商立即採取措施,幫助私人診所的租戶   二零二零年五月四日 致新聞界朋友們:     香港西醫工會是唯一一個向職工局註冊處註冊並為公營及私營醫生提供服務的工會,以維護醫生在僱主僱員關係中的權益,香港西醫工會秉承為醫生提供不同的延續醫學進修活動,以維持和確保醫生提供最高水平的醫療服務及提升香港市民的健康。   當前的新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫症大流行,已對香港許多中小企業的業務產生了不利影響,屋邨的私人診所也不例外。隨著大流行的發展導致實行封閉邊界和社區隔離,我們在公共和私營屋邨的私人診所的業務下降了7成至9成,一些同事面臨每月的淨虧損為港元十萬至港元二十萬和即將關閉的威脅。我們知道房委會和房屋協會自2019年10月以來暫時降低了他們的房地產診所的租金。但是,領匯似乎根本沒有降低其所有屋邨診所的租金。取而代之的是,他們堅持在本月租期屆滿後,將天水圍的一家屋邨診所的租金提高1成。   私家醫生在屋邨診所內給病人測試病毒,與政府一齊對抗COVID-19 疫情。因此,我們為診所的操作配備了完整的個人防護設備,每月花費約10,000港元的額外診所費用。   與17年前的SARS時期一樣,本會已於2020年3月13日要求領展降低租金。我們已經告訴領展關於在與COVID-19的戰鬥中處於最前線的屋邨醫生的業務損失。我們對於領展的管理層的態度感到失望。我們從報章中得悉,領展已經建立了所謂的“領展商戶同舟計劃”。但是,領展從未告知我們所有作為租戶的醫生會員這個計劃的存在,更不用說申請程序和批准標準了。   我們的會員面臨著前所未有的巨大挑戰,甚至比2003年SARS時期還要糟糕。租金是私人診所最大的支出項目。地產大亨應承擔企業社會責任,以分擔當前危機的不利影響。我們希望他們,尤其是領展,能夠立即採取真正的措施,以幫助我們的會員繼續為屋邨居民提供服務。   在此,香港西醫工會重申要求地產商,包括領展 : (1) 停止進一步增加租金一年。 (2) 為所有屋邨診所租戶暫時減租50%,為期6個月。   有關查詢,請致電9013 6478 聯絡香港西醫工會會長楊超發醫生。   Press Release Call Upon Estate Tycoons for Immediate Measures  To Help Private Clinic Tenants   4 May 2020 Dear Reporters, Hong Kong Doctors Union (HKDU) is an unique trade union with doctor members in both public and private services. Registered with the Trade Union Registry to look after the interests and rights of doctors in their employer employee relationship, HKDU is committed to provide Continuing Medical Education for doctors to maintain and ensure the highest standard of the healthcare doctors to cater for the health of the Hong Kong community. The current COVID-19 Pandemic has been adversely affecting many businesses in Hong Kong. Private clinics in public and private housing estates are no exception. With the evolution of the pandemic leading to the implementation of Closing Borders and Social Distancing, the business of our private clinics in public and private housing estates has dropped by 70 to 90 % and some colleagues are facing a net loss of HK$ 100,000 to 200,000 per month and the imminent threat of closing down. We note that the Housing Authority and Housing Society have temporarily lowered the rent of their estate clinics since Oct 2019.  However, none of our LINK estate clinic tenant members has reported that his/her rent has been temporarily lowered by any amount at all. Instead, LINK insists to raise the rental by 10% for an estate clinic in Tin Shui Wai upon its tenancy expiry this month.     We, private doctors, have to fight with the Government against the COVID-19 by containing the virus through vigilant detection. As such, we have equipped full PPE for our clinic operations which cost additional clinic expenses around HK$ 10,000 per month.  Our Union has asked LINK on rental reduction on 13th March 2020 as in the period of SARS 17 years ago. We have told LINK about the loss of business of public estate doctors who are in the frontline in this battle with COVID-19. We are disappointed with the LINK on the attitude of her management. We note from the media that the Link has established a so-called ‘Support Scheme for Small and Medium-sized Tenants’. However, none of all our member doctors, who are tenant doctors, has ever been informed by Link about the existence of such a scheme, let alone the application procedure and approval criteria. Our members are facing a big challenge they have never had before, even worse than the SARS time during 2003. Rent is the biggest expense item of a private clinic. Estate Tycoons should take their corporate social responsibility to share the adverse impact of the current crisis. We hope they, particularly LINK, would take immediate and genuine measures to help our members to continue providing services to estate residents. HKDU hereby calls upon Estate Tycoons, including Link to   (1) Stop further increase rental for one year. (2) Reduce rent by 50% temporarily for six months for all its estate clinics. For enquiries, please contact Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat, President, HKDU at 90136478.  


香港西醫工會就公眾為預防感染2019年爆發的新型冠狀病毒使用外科口罩而表達我們的立場 | Hong Kong Doctors Union’s Stance On The Use Of Surgical Mask For The General Public In The Protection Against The Outbreak Of Coronavirus Disease 2019

新聞稿 香港西醫工會就 公眾為預防感染2019年爆發的新型冠狀病毒使用外科口罩而表達我們的立場 二零二零年二月十九日 致新聞界朋友們:   香港西醫工會是唯一向職工局註冊處註冊並為公營及私營醫生提供服務的工會,以維護醫生在僱主僱員關係中的權益,香港西醫工會秉承以維持和確保基層醫生提供最高水平的醫療服務,以提升香港市民的健康。 香港西醫工會謹就公眾為預防感染2019年爆發的新型冠狀病毒使用外科口罩而表達我們的立場。 佩戴外科口罩能有效阻止呼吸道疾病的傳播,不論是細菌性及病毒性疾病。 因此, (1)不論有否呼吸道症狀,我們都應在公共場所佩戴外科口罩。 (2)若有呼吸道症狀,應佩戴口罩,並立即就醫。 (3)不建議重複使用口罩,並且用過的口罩必須妥善棄置。 除了戴口罩,注意良好的衛生習慣同樣重要,包括 (1)經常用肥皂和清水徹底洗手。 (2)使用酒精搓手液(使用護膚產品以保持皮膚濕潤,以防止酒精引起皮膚爆裂)。 (3)避免還沒洗手前就隨便觸摸眼睛、鼻和嘴巴。 (4)廁所沖水之前,一定記得把馬桶蓋放下。 (5)排水管道應妥善保養,以免洩漏。 (6)每周至少向管道加水兩次。 為了保持身體健康,我們鼓勵所有市民保持各式各樣的體育活動習慣,例如步行(快節奏),慢跑及遠足。 我們鼓勵吸煙者戒煙,因為研究發現,吸煙者可能更容易感染2019 年新型冠状病毒(參考文獻1)。 有關查詢,請致電或Whatsapp 9013 6478 聯絡香港西醫工會會長楊超發醫生。 參考: (1) Cai, G. Tobacco-Use Disparity in Gene Expression of ACE2, the Receptor of 2019-nCov. Preprints 2020, 2020020051 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202002.0051.v1).   Press Release Hong Kong Doctors Union’s Stance  On The Use Of Surgical Mask For The General Public In The Protection Against The Outbreak Of Coronavirus Disease 2019    19 February 2020 Dear Reporters, Hong Kong Doctors Union (HKDU) is an unique trade union with doctor members in both public and private services. Registered with the Trade Union Registry to look after the interests and rights of doctors in their employer employee relationship, HKDU is committed to maintain and ensure the highest standard of the primary healthcare doctors to cater for the health of the Hong Kong community. Hong Kong Doctors Union would like to state our stance on the use of surgical mask for the general public in the protection against the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Wearing of surgical masks is effective in halting transmission of respiratory illnesses whether they are bacterial or viral. Therefore, (1)    We should wear surgical masks at all times in public areas regardless of whether there is presence or absence of respiratory symptoms. (2)    One should wear surgical mask at all times when there are respiratory symptoms and immediate medical attention should be sought. (3)    Reuse of surgical masks is not recommended and proper disposal of masks must be strictly practised. Besides wearing surgical masks, observance of good hygiene is equally important. This includes (1)    Frequent and thorough hand washing with soap and water. (2)    Alcohol-based hand rubbing (application of skin care product to maintain skin moisture to prevent skin chapping from alcohol use). (3)    Avoidance of touching eyes, nose and mouth without prior hand cleansing. (4)    Putting down the toilet lid cover before flushing. (5)    Good and proper maintenance of drainage pipes to avoid leakage. (6)    Adding water to the pipes at least twice a week. To upkeep one’s good health, we encourage all citizens to maintain good physical activity routines such as fast pace walking, jogging and hiking. We encourage smokers to abstain and quit from smoking as studies have shown that smokers may be more susceptible to 2019-nCov (Reference 1). For enquiries, please contact or Whatsapp Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat, President, HKDU at 9013 6478. Reference: (1) Cai, G. Tobacco-Use Disparity in Gene Expression of ACE2, the Receptor of 2019-nCov. Preprints 2020, 2020020051 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202002.0051.v1).  


香港西醫工會就新型冠狀病毒肺炎的新聞稿 | Press Release of Hong Kong Doctors Union on  Novel Coronavirus Infection 

新聞稿 香港西醫工會就 新型冠狀病毒肺炎的新聞稿 二零二零年二月五日   致新聞界朋友們:   香港西醫工會是唯一向職工局註冊處註冊並為公營及私營醫生提供服務的工會,以維護醫生在僱主僱員關係中的權益,香港西醫工會秉承以維持和確保基層醫生提供最高水平的醫療服務,以提升香港市民的健康。 新型冠狀病毒肺炎感染的威脅迫在眉睫,本會對目前的動盪表示最深切的關注:    (1)我們完全支持並同意我們微生物學家就關閉連接中國大陸的邊境的說法。 我們應該只允許必需品例如食物和醫療用品等過境。   (2)我們完全同意對所有從中國內地返回香港的香港居民進行嚴格的審查和14天隔離。   (3)為分擔醫院管理局同事的工作量,我們私人執業的會員已準備好以一切可行的方式來幫助抗禦香港的新型冠狀病毒肺炎。   (4)我們促請政府與醫療用品供應商保持聯繫,以維持向社區提供足夠的個人防護裝備(PPE)例如口罩,特別是前線醫護人員(包括公共部門和私人執業)。   作為醫生,我們希望能提供專家意見,以幫助香港政府渡過這個困難時期。 有關查詢,請致電6073 3664或Whatsapp 9013 6478 聯絡香港西醫工會會長楊超發醫生。   Press Release Press Release of Hong Kong Doctors Union on  Novel Coronavirus Infection  5 February 2020   Dear Reporters,   Hong Kong Doctors Union (HKDU) is an unique trade union with doctor members in both public and private services. Registered with the Trade Union Registry to look after the interests and rights of doctors in their employer employee relationship, HKDU is committed to maintain and ensure the highest standard of the primary healthcare doctors to cater for the health of the Hong Kong community. With the imminent threat from the N-CoV infection, HKDU would like to express our deepest concern in this current turmoil:   (1) We fully support and agree to our medical experts in Microbiology in the close down of the border to the mainlanders. We should only allow the essentials like food and medical supplies to cross the border.   (2) We are in full agreement to impose stringent scrutinisation and 14 days quarantine to all returning Hong Kong residents from the Mainland China.   (3) To shoulder the workload of the colleagues in the Hospital Authority, our members in private practice are ready to help in whatever means feasible to combat the Novel Coronavirus endemic in Hong Kong.   (4) We urge the Government to liaise with the medical suppliers to maintain and provide an adequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including face masks to the community and in particular the frontline healthcare workers (both in public and private practice).   As medical practitioners, we are eager to give expert advice to help our Government go through this difficult period.    For enquiries, please contact Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat, President, HKDU at 6073 3664 or Whatsapp at 9013 6478.  


香港西醫工會新聞稿 在農曆新年假期醫生的開放時間 | Press Statement on Chinese New Year Holidays doctors' opening hours

香港西醫工會新聞稿 在農曆新年假期醫生的開放時間 二零一九年一月廿八日 致新聞界朋友們: 香港西醫工會是香港唯一根據工會註冊條例,由公營及私營醫生聯合組成的工會組織;香港西醫工會不單關注會員的權益及其僱傭關係,更以提升醫生的專業水平,達致民康為己任。 為了滿足香港市民在即將到來的農曆新年假期期間對醫療服務的需求,香港西醫工會已編制了一份包括假期期間開放的診所名單。這份名單可以通過手機或桌上電腦從互聯網網站輕易獲取,網址如下: - (資料會定時更新) 這是為了方便市民在假期期間向醫生尋找醫療服務,這樣他們就不必排隊到公立醫院的急症室。我們在網站上安裝了多個搜索功能,以便市民可以按地區,營業時間,開診日期等方式尋找醫生,方便操作。 我們會盡力在豬年新年期間保障香港市民的健康! 有關查詢,請致電9013 6478或電郵 / 聯絡香港西醫工會會長楊超發醫生。 楊超發醫生 會長 香港西醫工會 Press Statement on Chinese New Year Holidays doctors' opening hours 28th January 2019 Dear Reporters, Hong Kong Doctors Union is the unique trade union with doctor members in both public and private services, registered with the Trade Union Registry to look after the interests and rights of doctors in their employer employee relationship. While we are committed to upgrade the standard of medical doctors to cater for the health of the Hong Kong community, we also relate to the Government the urgent needs of the patients and reflect the true situation in the context of medical care so that the Government will appropriately and efficiently set up policies with long term benefits for the health of Hong Kong citizens. In order to meet the demand from Hong Kong citizens on primary care medical service during the coming Chinese New Year Holidays, Hong Kong Doctors Union has compiled a list of doctor clinics with opening hours during the Holidays. Such list can be easily obtained from the internet website through mobile phones or desktop computers at the following link : - (Data will be updated from time to time) Our aim is to facilitate citizens to seek medical service from doctors during the Holidays so that they do not have to queue up in the Accident and Emergency Departments of Public Hospitals. We have installed multiple search functions in the website so that citizens can look for doctors by district, opening hours, dates of opening etc for easy operation. We strive to safeguard health of Hong Kong citizens in the Chinese New Year of the Pig! For enquiries, please contact Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat, President, HKDU at 9013 6478 or Email: / Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat Henry President Hong Kong Doctors Union


「禁止電子煙,預防勝於治療」Ban e-Cigarettes, Prevention is better than Cure

香港西醫工會對於 「禁止電子煙,預防勝於治療」 的新聞稿   二零一八年十月五日 致新聞界朋友們: 擁有近二千名會員的香港西醫工會,是香港唯一根據工會註冊條例,由公營及私營醫生聯合組成的工會組織;香港西醫工會不單關注會員的權益及其僱傭關係,更以提升醫生的專業水平,達致民康為己任。 作為醫生,我們接受訓練去治療疾病,以減輕市民的病痛和幫助維持他們的健康狀態。在病菌感染盛行的年代,我們不斷研究和開發更強的抗生素來殺死新出現的病菌,我們在過去幾個十年間已取得了成果。今時今日,傳染病死亡率下降,相反心血管系統慢性疾病、癌症和意外傷害的死亡率則有上升的趨勢。在許多情況下,導致死亡或殘疾的源頭可能已經從微生物轉移到人本身上 ; 帶病毒的水源或昆蟲轉移到充滿脂肪,卡路里和鹽份的膳食 ; 汽車; 或毒品等。一些慢性疾病的風險,與人類的習慣建立了新的關係並喚起了第二次公共衛生革命的決心。 即使香港是世界上人均壽命最長的地方,我們每年亦有一定比例的市民早逝,即是在 65歲之前死亡。如果人們成功採取更健康的生活方式,可以預防多達四分之三的早逝人口比率。透過早期發現及介入,免疫和生活方式行為上的改變,我們可以減低45%心血管導致的死亡、23%的癌症死亡及超過50%的糖尿病併發症。這三個病症在當前的醫學事務中佔主導地位並有著良好的預防系統及措施,為醫生參與促進健康提供了理想的條件。通過更好地控制不多於十個的風險因素,例如不良飲食,運動不足,使用煙草和藥物,濫用酒精,不安全駕駛以及其他一些因素,我們可以防止40%至70%的早死個案。超過三分之一的急性殘疾和超過三分之二的慢性殘疾可以通過改善風險行為來預防。 鑒於這些數據,醫生要更加關注患者的健康及幫助患者採取健康的生活方式,這絕對是醫生的巨大挑戰。醫生如果介入參與現代醫學,如用現時的診斷及治療設施是不足夠的。我們還必須建議患者改變他們的風險因素,幫助他們戒煙,幫助他們採用適當的運動計劃,採用更安全的方法駕駛及性行為等。雖然不久之後患者便會忘記了自己的醫生有參與輔導工作,而其益處,幫助將會於很多很多年以後才能被量度到。 最近我們看到政府迅速採取措施防止超級颱風山竹破壞香港。從政府高層官員的建議確實在減輕整個城市的危險方面發揮了關鍵作用。由這一點出發,我們的醫生在健康保障方面應該處於更好的位置。 除了子宮頸癌的巴氏塗片檢查外,兩年前開始的大腸癌篩查計劃的進展一直順利,亦成功在無症狀長者中檢出6-7%有異常症狀。政府的資助及私營醫生的協作使計劃得以成功地推行。其他的癌症疾病亦應推行類似篩查及治療計劃。 另外心血管疾病的篩查亦十分值得做。在過去兩年,本會為香港市民進行心血管疾病的篩查檢驗,結果非常驚人,透過我們的關心謹腎大行動檢測出相關數目的高血壓,糖尿病和高膽固醇血症的陽性病例。隨著明年初推出政府資助的社區健康中心計劃,我們應該能夠減少現在常見疾病的發病率和減少其禍害。 現在,政府應該堅持禁止電子煙及加熱煙產品進入香港。我們對政府通過“香港配方奶及相關產品和嬰幼兒食品銷售守則”及提倡相關促進兒童健康和兒童發展的舉措及在政府的鼓勵下,設立愛嬰醫院表示讚賞。但是,我們不得不反對政府進口電子煙、加熱煙及新煙草產品到香港的政策,而且事實證明了該類煙草製品會對未來各地年輕人做成極大傷害。香港西醫工會已經從2000名會員中收集了500多個簽名同意全面禁止電子煙和其他新煙草產品進入香港。但根據政府的說法,這個數字還不足以支持禁止電子煙及加熱煙產品進入香港。我們需要更多的簽名來表明我們的決心。現在,隨著禁電子煙大聯盟的成立,我們將共同努力,禁止在香港進口新的煙草產品。我們希望政府盡快實施禁令,並制定一個具體的時間表,以達到無煙香港。   楊超發醫生 有關查詢,請致電九零一三六四七八或電郵 / hkdumail@hkdu.org聯絡香港西醫工會會長楊超發醫生。     Press Statement of Hong Kong Doctors Union on “Ban e-Cigarettes, Prevention is better than Cure”   5th October 2018 Dear Reporters, Hong Kong Doctors Union is the one and only trade Union specially designed for all doctors in Hong Kong whether working as employee or self-employed. Our primary objectives have changed from the basic task of supervising allocation of public housing estate clinics in the very beginning to higher ideals of safeguarding the welfare and rights of doctors. Our transformation from Estate Doctors Association Ltd. into Hong Kong Doctors Union Ltd. in 2000 proclaimed our final evolution into a strong and committed community to serve all doctors in Hong Kong, to cater for their legitimate rights and welfare, their recreation, continuous education and development. To mark the final stage of evolution, Hong Kong Doctors Union adopted its present name officially in 2002. As doctors, we are trained to treat diseases to relieve the sufferings of people and upkeep the healthy status of Hong Kong citizens in particular. Since the older days when infections prevailed, we have been developing better antibiotics to kill emerging germs and we have been quite successful in the last decades. Nowadays the declining mortality rate from infectious diseases intersected the rising mortality rate from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, and unintended injuries. In many instances, the agent responsible for death or disability has shifted from the microorganism to the person; the vector has also shifted from contaminated water supplies or insects to diets laden with fat, calories, and salt; likewise the automobile or drugs. The relationship between human behaviour and increased risk for certain chronic diseases is well established. Awareness of the “new morbidity” has summoned the call for a second public health revolution. In Hong Kong, even with the longest life expectancy in the world, we do have certain percentage of our citizens who die each year prematurely, that is, before the age of sixty-five. If people were successful in adopting healthier behaviour and life style, as many as three-quarters of these premature deaths could be prevented. Through early detection and intervention, immunization, and motivated change in individual behaviour, we could have eliminated an estimated 45 percent of cardiovascular deaths, 23 percent of cancer cases and over 50 percent of the disabling complications of diabetes mellitus. These three conditions dominate the current practice of medicine and, with the enormous areas for prevention, offer an ideal entry for health providers' involvement in health promotion. With better control of fewer than ten risk factors such as poor diet, inadequate exercise, the use of tobacco and drugs, the abuse of alcohol, driving unsafely, and a few others, we could prevent between 40 and 70 percent of all premature deaths. More than one-third of acute disabilities and over two-thirds of chronic disabilities are preventable by improving risky behaviour. Given these data, the great challenge for doctors is to pay more attention to helping patients to adopt healthy behaviour. Doctors’ desire to intervene with the power of modern medicine, with the diagnostic and therapeutic armamentarium now at hand, is insufficient. We must also counsel patients to understand and modify their risk factors, help them quit smoking, help them initiate an appropriate exercise program and engage in safer practices in driving, sex, etc. The counselling benefits will be documented and appreciated many, many years later – long after patients have forgotten their doctors' involvement. The immediate effect we had seen recently was the result from Government's prompt measures to prevent and alleviate damages from the Super typhoon Mangkhut which salvaged Hong Kong lately. The advice from the top Government officials had been playing a pivotal role in minimizing the damages of the whole city. With that in mind, we doctors should be in a better position when it comes to health hazards. Apart from Pap smear screening for Carcinoma of Cervix, the Colorectal Carcinoma screening programme started two years ago has been doing a good job in sorting out 6 to 7 % abnormalities in asymptomatic elderly citizens. The success is due to the cooperation from our private colleagues under adequate funding from the Government. Further programmes should be brought up to screen and treat other types of cancers. Another screening test worth much doing is that for the cardiovascular events. Hong Kong Doctors Union has been screening Hong Kong citizens for the last two years and the result is quite alarming, exposing positive cases for hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolemia through our screening programme initiated by the Heart Kidney Care Alliance. With the launching of the community health centre early next year and with the funding from the Government, we should be able to decrease the occurrence and harmful consequences of these common diseases of the modern world.  Now comes the import of e-cigarettes and Heat-not-Burn new tobacco products into Hong Kong which illogically the Government tends to insist. We have applauded the Government in the work of safeguarding health and in promoting breastfeeding among all newborns and children by the Hong Kong Code of Marketing of Formula Milk and Related Products, and Food Products for Infants & Young Children. With the encouragement from the Government, there is establishment of a number of Baby friendly Hospitals and initiatives in supporting child health and child development. However, we have to argue with the Government against her intended import of such new tobacco products with solid evidence from the harm already done to our younger populations elsewhere. Hong Kong Doctors Union has collected more than 500 signatures from among our 2000 members in supporting a total ban of e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products. This number, according to the Government, is not good enough to achieve our mission. We need more signatures from the city to show our determination. Now, with the establishment of the Total Ban e-Cigarettes Alliance, we shall work together against the import of new tobacco products into the city. We wish the Government will implement the ban as soon as possible and to formulate a concrete timeline to achieve a smoke free healthy Hong Kong. Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat Henry President Hong Kong Doctors Union For enquiries, please contact Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat, President, HKDU at 9013 6478 or Email: /


醫務委員會對黃卓義醫生的裁決 The Verdict of Medical Council of Hong Kong On Dr. Wong Cheuk Yi

醫務委員會對黃卓義醫生的裁決   香港西醫工會是唯一一個向職工局註冊處註冊並為公營及私營醫生提供服務的工會,以維護醫生在僱主僱員關係中的權益,香港西醫工會秉承為醫生提供不同的醫學研討會等延續醫學進修,以維持和確保基層醫生提供最高水平的醫療服務,以提升香港市民的健康。 就近日香港醫務委員會裁定九龍醫院紗布封喉事故主診醫生黃卓義兩項專業失德罪成並除牌六個月,本會對此有以下聲明: 1 .西醫工會對裁決極度關注; 2. 醫生責任是以病人健康安全為首要任務,但裁決要醫生承擔完全超出其工作範圍的責任,此舉不但無法改善對病人健康保障,更忽略了政府和管理層應有的責任,變相進一步破壞香港專業醫療結構,是本末倒置; 3. 醫委會聆訊小組有三大謬誤: 一:認為醫生有責任監督護士的「護理」工作; 二:認為護理(dressing care) 就等同以紗布遮蓋傷口; 三:認為永久性造口不應該有任何紗布遮蓋。聆訊小組未有以專業角度作出正確的裁決,嚴重破壞本港的醫療體系,定必鑄成大錯; 4. 是次裁決嚴重損害專業互信和合作,對香港醫護專業團隊引來分化以及打擊,本會感到遺憾; 5. 本會建議盡快增加全體醫護全隊高風險護理的培訓。   有關查詢,請致電九零一三六四七八或電郵聯絡香港西醫工會會長楊超發醫生。 二零一八年五月十二日   The Verdict of Medical Council of Hong Kong On Dr. Wong Cheuk Yi   12th May 2018   Hong Kong Doctors Union (HKDU) is an unique trade union with doctor members in both public and private services. Registered with the Trade Union Registry to look after the int erests and rights of doctors in their employer employee relationship, HKDU is committed to provide Continuing Medical Education, medical seminars for doctors to maintain and ensure the highest standard of the healthcare doctors to cater for the health of t he Hong Kong community. With regard to the recent incident of "Dr. Wong Cheuk Yi suspended from practice for six months by the Medical Council of Hong Kong for the death of a cancer patient of Kowloon Hospital", HKDU has the following views: 1. Our Union has much concern on the verdict;       2. Doctor's first duty is to protect patients' health, but the captioned verdict implied doctors have to take up the unnecessary responsibility of other Professionals. This does not help in improving patient s’ health safety but rather ignore the responsibilities of the Government and management team of the public service. In the end, this would be detrimental to the healt h care system in Hong Kong;       3. There are 3 major mistakes made by the Disciplinary Panel of the Medical Council of Hong Kong: 1. The misconception that Doctors are responsible for nurses dressing care 2. The misunderstanding of Wound covering with gauze is equivalent to dressing care 3. Considered that The permanent tracheostoma should not be covered by gauze As such, the Disciplinary Panel did not make a correct professional judgment and this mistake would be detrimental to the health care system of Hong Kong       4. We feel much regret that such deliberation would result in the disrupting relationship between doctors and other allied health professionals and would lead to disharmony among health care workers at the end in Hong Kong.       5. The Union strongly recommends to step up training of high risk caring procedures for all health care workers.     For enquiries, please contact Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat, President, HKDU at 9013 6478 or Email: m /