香港西醫工會呼籲 領展高層立即採取行動 助屋邨醫生診所租戶解困 | Urge Link Management for Prompt Measures To Help Link Estate Clinic Doctors

HKDU⠀ Published at 2021-04-26



領展高層立即採取行動 助屋邨醫生診所租戶解困





「香港西醫工會」前身是「新邨西醫協會」,用以協調房屋處轄下公共屋邨醫生診所的安排。為了進一步投入社區服務及照應全港醫生2002 年演變為「香港西醫工會」。屋邨醫生是每一個邨的開荒牛,照顧邨內居民的身心靈健康。我們不是生意人,只是一羣有德有心的醫生,收取相宜的診費來救急扶貧疾,有些醫生甚至贈醫施藥。


因百年一遇的疫症,香港現正面臨極嚴峻的挑戰 —— 經濟懸崖式下滑和失業率高企在7個百分點,為最近17年前所未有。




1)東涌富東邨醫生 (其生意懸崖式下滑,最高峰月入跌多過8成,而平均月入跌至5成。原因是富東邨商場鄰近東涌港鐡站,在2019 下半年社會和機埸暴動期間,常被要求關閉,再加上2020 世紀疫症的影響,大家有目共睹。最近港龍解散,而國泰和其他空運行業亦減人手和工資,對醫生來說尤如雪上加霜,因富東邨居民大多從事有關機場和空運行業,但領展竟要求加28.57% 之月租!)


2)上水屋邨醫生(其租約在5月期滿,不肯減租,只推説可能凍租,並不鼓勵醫生租客和上司商討。該醫生指出,因沒有大陸來客 ,上水市集變得冷清,有很多空置店舖,整體租金都下滑了。惟他現在付的租金高達每方呎$60,而附近上水廣場和上水滙的辦公室租金為每方呎$25 $28。)


以上例子只是冰山一角,屋邨醫生會員現面對前所未有的巨大挑戰, 2003  SARS 更甚 。租金一向是醫生診所最大的支出項目,而屋邨醫生對一向高企的服務費 (如管理費和冷氣費)無從過問,只能屈從。屋邨居民均來自中下層,在世紀疫症的影響下,很多都沒有工作或只能半工作了。


在此, 香港西醫工會鄭重要求領展高層能承擔企業社會責任 ,助屋邨醫生和居民共渡難關


如有關資料查詢,敬請聯絡香港西醫工會電話2388 2728


香港西醫工會會長 梁漢輝醫生

香港西醫工會領展屋邨診所委員會主席 林偉樑醫生

Press Release

Urge Link Management for Prompt Measures

To Help Link Estate Clinic Doctors


26th April 2021

Dear Correspondents,


Hong Kong Doctors Union (HKDU) is formerly known as Estate Doctors Association which dealt with allocation of medical clinics of public housing estates owned by Housing Department of Hong Kong. We changed our name to HKDU in 2002 as we wished to look after the affairs of the people and doctors of Hong Kong. Estate clinic doctors are the pioneers of their estates and look after the well beings (bio-psycho-social) of their estate residents. We are not businessmen, just hardworking doctors who endeavour to maintain a good standard of medical practice and charge residents at an affordable price.

We are most shocked to learn from our Link Estate Clinic Members about their recent rental situation, given the current cliff like drop economy and record high unemployment rate (7.2 %) of Hong Kong. For instance:

a) case of One Fu Tung Estate doctor (business dropped sharply since riot mob in the second half of 2019 as the Estate is close to HKIA & Tung Chung MTR station and severe COVID pandemic in 2020. With closure of DragonAir and the staff cuts (numbers and wages) of Cathay Pacific Airways and other related aviation/airport industries, most residents of Fu Tung Estate have now become redundant. The business drop is literally speaking, like falling frost on the land of ice and snow. Still Link asks for a 28.57% rental rise!

b) Case of One Sheung Shui doctor (lease would be expired in 5/2021. Junior staffs refuse reduction and say that it maybe freeze and that there is no need to go to senior level). This doctor also points out that there are now many empty shops in the town of Sheung Shui because there are no mainlanders. All rentals are on the fall not only for clinics but all other trades. He is already paying a high rental at $60 psf whilst office rental in the nearby Landmark North/Sheung Shui Spot ranges from $25 to $28 psf only.


The above two cases are just tip of iceberg. Our members are facing a tough challenge they have never had before, even worse than 2003 SARS period. Rental is the largest expense item of a medical clinic. Estate doctors have no say over the ever rising service fees (management fees and air conditioning charges). Estate residents come from low income class. A lot of them have now become semi-employed or unemployed due to the Covid pandemic.


Now we urge Link Management to take up corporate social responsibility to help Estate doctors and residents weather the storm.


For enquiries, please contact HKDU at 2388 2728.


Dr LEUNG Hon Fai (President, HKDU)

Dr LAM Wai Leung Anthony (Chairman, Link Estate clinic Committee, HKDU)